Saturday, July 12, 2008

Always Riveting

As many of you have heard, Bucks defenseman Adam Rivet (who is not officially signed for the 2008-09 season but has been hanging around Laredo for some reason or another...) rescued two people as a result of two seperate incidents in Puerto Vallarto, Mexico, last week.

The Bucks released the news of Rivet's rescue efforts, along with some quotes from Rivet and Coach Terry Ruskowski. You can read the full story by Bucks Director of Media Relations/Broadcasting Bryan Benway here.

Rivet was in Mexico to attend defensive partner Serge Dube's wedding. Truly an interesting turn of events...all those spin classes and other endurance exercises must pay off when swimming around the ocean for hours and running into people in distress. I know I'm a bit late in getting to this story, but I wasn't able to get to a computer after receiving the press release yesterday. Guess I'll have something to ask Adam about if he's around when training camp begins...

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