Saturday, November 15, 2008

Give Blood, Play Hockey

I really should have mentioned this sooner, so I'm sorry that I didn't, but the Bucks' annual "Give Blood, Play Hockey" blood drive and marrow registration will be held next Saturday, Nov. 22, at the LEC.

Last season's drive set a Laredo record, and everyone is hoping this year's will set a new one, so everyone willing and able should really get out there and donate some blood.

I covered the event last season and spoke to the family of Daniel Estrada, a huge Bucks fan who lost his battle with leukemia earlier this year, and their gratitude and enthusiasm about the drive was incredibly touching.

Obviously, it cannot be stressed enough how important blood donations are to saving people's lives, and the same is true for marrow registration, which does not require anything painful or extensive on the spot. All you're doing is volunteering yourself to donate should a matching patient ever have the need for it.

The event is being held on a Saturday, which most people have off, and it runs all day (10 a.m. - 8 p.m.), so there's really no excuse to not get out there.

Plus, all donors get a ton of prizes, including Bucks' tickets, a T-shirt and lots of free food.

I cannot find any information about the drive online, but I have seen plenty of signs and heard announcements for it, so I'm nearly positive that it is actually occurring next weekend. If not, I'll obviously be sure to update this post.

For more information about donating blood, you can visit the South Texas Blood & Tissue Center site.

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